Gra­dua­te trans­la­tor (univ.) — Ste­fan Friedrich

publicly appoin­ted and sworn trans­la­tor for Eng­lish and German


I can see fasci­na­ting par­al­lels bet­ween com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on theo­ry and the world of law: both fea­ture in rela­ti­ons bet­ween indi­vi­du­als and groups at per­so­nal and cor­po­ra­te level; both reflect the neces­si­ty to cle­ar­ly defi­ne terms and spe­ci­fy mea­nings; both ent­ail the abili­ty to con­vey con­tent, exch­an­ge infor­ma­ti­on and opi­ni­ons, nego­tia­te details, hold dis­pu­tes and reach agree­ments; and both demons­tra­te how lan­guage has the capa­ci­ty to bring about chan­ge in the real world.

It is in this real world that you work as a self-employ­ed or in-house lawy­er, and no doubt you some­ti­mes have to help your cli­ents or busi­ness navi­ga­te through rough waters. In that pro­cess I can pro­vi­de you with valuable assis­tance, hel­ping to build bridges bet­ween dif­fe­rent legal sys­tems and juris­dic­tions whe­re lan­guage can pose one of the main obstacles.

Details of my qua­li­fi­ca­ti­ons and pro­fes­sio­nal expe­ri­ence are lis­ted below.

Ser­vices and benefits


  • 1992: Degree in trans­la­ti­on from Ger­mers­heim Col­lege of Trans­la­ti­on and Lin­gu­i­stic Stu­dies (Uni­ver­si­ty of Mainz); lan­guages: Eng­lish and French; main sub­ject: law; secon­da­ry sub­ject: IT

  • 1992/93: Year abroad: tech­ni­cal trans­la­tor (IT) in Dublin

  • sin­ce 10/1993: Free­lan­ce English/German trans­la­tor; main focus: civil law

  • 2011–2013 Co-foun­der and share­hol­der of the pro­fes­sio­nal trans­la­tors’ net­work “trans­la­ti­ons­ite OHG”

  • 2016/17: Sab­ba­ti­cal year; pro­ject mana­ger for the “Huma­nis­ten­Tag 2017” in the Meis­ter­sin­ger­hal­le, Nuremberg

  • From sum­mer semes­ter 2020: part-time degree cour­se in juris­pru­dence, Hagen Open University


  • Juris­ti­sche Gesell­schaft Mit­tel­fran­ken zu Nürn­berg e.V. (Law Society)

  • Acti­ve Mem­ber of Deut­scher Ver­band der frei­en Über­set­zer und Dol­met­scher e.V. (Trans­la­tors’ Association)

  • Mind-Hoch­schul-Netz­werk e.V. (MIND uni­ver­si­ty network)

Bene­fit from my services:


Con­ti­nuous fur­ther trai­ning ensu­res pro­fi­ci­en­cy in the are­as of law and the juris­dic­tions covered


Have you got an extre­me­ly urgent con­tract? Do you requi­re spe­ci­fic wor­ding, a par­ti­cu­lar tech­ni­que or extra secu­ri­ty? Then cont­act me – the right solu­ti­on can be found to meet all your requirements.


I gua­ran­tee punc­tua­li­ty, accu­ra­cy, dis­cre­ti­on and pri­va­cy. That’s a promise.

Send a request now




Click here for infor­ma­ti­on in English.



Für Infor­ma­tio­nen in deut­scher Spra­che kli­cken Sie hier.